Are These Loops Royalty-Free?

All loops on the KROWAUDIO website are royalty free for minor sales.

For Free Loops, this includes beat leases and small releases (songs with less than 1 Million Streams). For major placements/ If a song surpasses 1 Million Streams, the loops will have to be cleared by Krow after royalties/publishing are fairly split.

For PAID Loops, all terms are the same, but the loops are royalty free until a song reaches 10 MILLION streams across all platforms.

Are These Loops Cleared?

All kits and loops are fully original compositions by Krow, and are 100% cleared for use. This means producers are free to use these loops on their beats for profit as long as they abide by the Kit Terms.

Do These Kits Work In All DAWs?

Yes! Any DAW that is compatible with .mp3 and .wav files will be able to utilize all kits from Krowaudio. We even include the oneshots of our Serum Bank sounds for producers who don't use Serum but want the sounds.